Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Race is Next

The race is upon us. All the training, all the miles expended at West Falls Church, Fletcher's Boathouse, Bethesda, Roosevelt Island, Haines Point and Stanton Square, are about to pay off.

On Saturday, 5/10/08 (week 12), we met at Stanton Square and after a Pre-Race Strategy discussion, program t-shirts were handed out. Then we ran last year's course, in about an hour. (The TKG Program T-Shirt was spotted at the Flying Pig Marathon last week.)

This week you should run at least two more times, 2-4 miles each time, at moderate intensity. Don't run on Friday or Saturday.

Here's the new course. Study it before the race. The charge up Capitol Hill now comes a little earlier in the race.

Stay hydrated, put your chip on your shoe the night before, and leave for the race with plenty of time so you'll be on time. Parking is difficult.

The CHC 10K is on Sunday, May 18th at 8:30 am. There is packet pickup, and registration, on race day, although it is recommended that you do these things beforehand. Go to the race website for full information. (Courtney and Coach Bob finishing a 10K run in Stanton Park last week.)

Good luck. Anyone who completed this Program should consider coming out for the 10-Mile Group (TMG) Training Program which starts in July. Come prepared to run 3-4 miles the first meeting. Watch the club's website for further information.

I want to thank coaches Alexandra, Bob, John, Kristin, Linda, Renee and Sasha for making this 10K Group Training Program possible. They were volunteers, there giving back to the sport.

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